POTRANSI: Power Dynamics in Transformative Social Innovation


Research Team

Serena Aupoix

The master’s tool will never dismantle the master’s house” (Audre Lorde from Sister Outsider, 1984)

As I enter my second year of the Sustainable Development Master’s at Utrecht University, I find myself deeply reflecting on sustainability dilemmas, leading me to critically engage with Audre Lorde: Can transformative change happen from within the system, using its own tools to dismantle (un)sustainable and (un)just challenges? I therefore joined POTRANSI, drawn to its potential for driving transformative change through social innovation, whilst simultaneously recognizing that transformation should be approached with a critical lens. I look forward to flourishing alongside POTRANSI by co-designing the Transformative Power Arena, mapping social innovation initiatives and networks, and conducting literature reviews. 

Want to know more about me, find me here. 



Advisory Board

Ethics advisor for the ERC project